Robinson is the Swedish and original version of the popular reality TV series set on a desert island. It follows a group of contestants as they are left stranded on a remote island and must rely on their survival skills to outlast their competitors and win the ultimate prize.
Throughout the series, the contestants face various challenges and obstacles that test their physical and mental endurance. From constructing shelters and finding food to competing in intense physical competitions, the contestants must adapt to their new environment and work together to ensure their survival.
The show also explores the dynamics and relationships that develop amongst the contestants. As they spend weeks or even months on the island, alliances form, friendships are tested, and conflicts arise. Viewers can expect a riveting combination of survival skills, strategic gameplay, and unexpected twists.
Robinson captivates audiences with its stunning island scenery and compelling storytelling. It showcases the contestants' resilience, resourcefulness, and determination to win the prize. Whether you are a fan of reality TV or simply enjoy witnessing human nature under extreme circumstances, Robinson promises an immersive and captivating viewing experience. So, if you're ready to dive into the world of survival challenges and intense competition, don't miss the original and thrilling Swedish version of Robinson.
Also Known As:
Expedition: RobinsonRelease Date:
13 Sep 1997Awards:
4 wins.