The Wishmas Tree is an enchanting animated film that follows the adventure of a young possum whose wish for a white Wishmas accidentally freezes her entire hometown of Sanctuary City. As the town's residents struggle to survive in the icy conditions, the possum embarks on a courageous journey to undo her wish and restore harmony.
Set in a magical forest, the film is filled with heartwarming moments and captivating animation that will delight viewers of all ages. The possum's wish takes a whimsical twist when she discovers the power of her dreams can have unintended consequences. With her friends by her side, the possum must navigate through treacherous landscapes and encounter peculiar creatures to find a solution.
The Wishmas Tree emphasizes the importance of friendship, teamwork, and embracing the consequences of our actions. Through the possum's adventure, viewers will learn valuable lessons about self-discovery and the power of believing in oneself.
This family-friendly film is a perfect choice for a cozy movie night. Its beautiful animation and uplifting story will captivate both children and adults alike. Join the possum on her magical journey to restore Sanctuary City, and be inspired by the transformative power of wishes in The Wishmas Tree.
Also Known As:
The Wishmas TreeRelease Date:
27 Feb 2020Writers:
Peter Ivan, Ryan Greaves (additional writing by)