In the dystopian world of 1984, a man named Winston Smith lives in a society ruled by a totalitarian government that monitors its citizens' every move. As part of his job, Winston is tasked with rewriting historical records to fit the party's agenda and maintain control over the population. Despite the constant surveillance and oppression, Winston dares to rebel against the regime by engaging in a forbidden act - falling in love with a woman named Julia. As their illicit romance blossoms, Winston and Julia must navigate the dangerous consequences of their actions while challenging the oppressive regime. Tensions rise as Winston becomes increasingly disillusioned with the oppressive government and seeks to resist its relentless control.
1984 is a gripping and thought-provoking tale of love, defiance, and the struggle for freedom in a society where individuality is suppressed and truth is manipulated. This film adaptation of George Orwell's classic novel offers a chilling insight into the dangers of authoritarian rule and the power of human connection in the face of oppression.
Also Known As:
1984Release Date:
22 Mar 1985Writers:
Michael Radford, George OrwellAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award6 wins & 3 nominations total