Bushwick is an action-packed thriller set in Brooklyn, where 20-year-old Lucy and war veteran Stupe find themselves fighting for survival when a U.S. based military force invades their neighborhood. The movie revolves around their journey as they form an unlikely alliance and rely on each other's instincts and skills to navigate through the dangerous streets.
Lucy, played by Brittany Snow, is a young woman caught off guard by the sudden chaos and violence that erupts in Bushwick. In need of protection, she crosses paths with Stupe, portrayed by Dave Bautista, an ex-Marine with combat experience. Together, they must outwit and outmaneuver armed soldiers and scavengers, all while trying to find safety in a divided and war-torn environment.
As the two protagonists make their way through the city, the film delves into themes of survival, camaraderie, and the human will to persevere in the face of adversity. The fast-paced, tense action sequences and gritty cinematography create a captivating atmosphere that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats.
Directed by Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion, Bushwick offers a thrilling blend of suspense, drama, and intense action. It explores the impact of a military invasion on ordinary civilians and highlights the strength and resilience of individuals in times of crisis.
Also Known As:
BushwickRelease Date:
25 Aug 2017Writers:
Cary Murnion, Jonathan Milott, Nick DamiciAwards:
2 nominations