In the heartwarming French film Demain tout commence (2016), Samuel's life takes an unexpected turn when he is left alone to care for a baby girl named Gloria. Set in the picturesque city of Marseille, France, Samuel wakes up one morning to find a woman claiming he is the father of her baby. Struggling with the sudden responsibility, he travels to London in search of work and a better life for himself and Gloria.
As Samuel adapts to his new role as a single father, he faces numerous challenges along the way. From learning how to change diapers to navigating the complex world of parenting, Samuel's journey is both humorous and poignant. With the support of his friend Bernie, Samuel manages to find work as a stuntman and begins to build a stable life for himself and Gloria.
Demain tout commence explores themes of love, family, and self-discovery as Samuel grows to love his daughter and realizes the transformative power of fatherhood. The film is a heartwarming tale of resilience and the unbreakable bond between a parent and child.
Audiences will be captivated by the engaging performances, beautiful cinematography, and uplifting story that reminds us that sometimes, unexpected events can lead to the most extraordinary journeys. Don't miss this heartwarming and inspiring film, streaming now.
Also Known As:
Two Is a Family