Aldrig mere i morgen, or Never Again Tomorrow, is a Danish film released in 2017. The movie follows the story of Thorvald, a renowned and aging artist who believes himself to be immortal and indispensable. However, when his heart stops one day, he is not ready to leave this world. An angel appears and offers him one last chance to wander among the living for three days as an invisible and free soul.
Thorvald soon realizes that things are not as he expected. His death brings about new possibilities and challenges for his estranged son Vincent, his young wife, and his bitter ex-wife. As Thorvald observes his loved ones, he gains a new perspective on life and the impact he had on those around him.
This heartwarming and thought-provoking film explores themes of love, forgiveness, and the importance of living every day to the fullest. As Thorvald navigates his three days as an invisible spirit, he discovers the true meaning of his existence and learns to appreciate the relationships that he had taken for granted.
With stellar performances from the cast, including Erik Clausen, Bodil Jørgensen, and Nicolas Bro, Aldrig mere i morgen brings a poignant and uplifting story to the viewers. Through its heartfelt narrative, the film reminds us of the value of cherishing our loved ones and making the most out of our limited time on Earth.