In Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower (2017), the story revolves around Joshua Wong, a determined teenager who takes a stand against the Chinese Communist Party in Hong Kong. When the party reneges on its promise to respect the city's autonomy, Joshua feels compelled to protect his hometown.
Joshua gathers a legion of students willing to protest and boycott school, leading them to occupy the streets. Through his unwavering determination and charismatic leadership, Joshua becomes an unexpected leader in Hong Kong's fight for freedom and one of China's most recognizable dissidents.
Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower showcases the power of youth activism and the courage it takes to stand up against oppressive forces. The film highlights the struggle of Hong Kong citizens as they face persecution and censorship in their fight for democracy.
With its compelling narrative and real-life footage, Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower offers viewers an intimate look into the personal sacrifices and risks that Joshua and his fellow activists face on their quest for justice.
Watch Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower to witness the inspiring journey of a teenage hero and the impact of collective action in challenging authoritarian rule. This thought-provoking documentary is a must-watch for those interested in social justice, youth empowerment, and the ongoing struggle for democracy in Hong Kong.