Streaming Service Summary: In the small town of Dunwich, a priest's suicide opens the gates of hell, unleashing the living dead upon the world. Peter, a New York City reporter, and Mary, a powerful psychic, join forces and head to Dunwich to stop this apocalypse. With the help of psychiatrist Jerry and his patient Sandra, they must find a way to seal the gates before All Saints Day arrives, or the dead will rise up and slaughter the living. As they unravel the dark secrets of the town, they face terrifying encounters with the reanimated corpses and must confront their own fears in order to survive. Directed by Lucio Fulci, Staden med levande döda (City of the Living Dead) is a chilling horror film that blends supernatural suspense with gruesome imagery. With its eerie atmosphere and intense performances, this cult classic will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end. Prepare to be terrified as the forces of evil threaten to consume humanity in this nightmarish tale. Only the brave will face the horrors that await in the City of the Living Dead.