Essex Boys Retribution (2013) is a gripping crime thriller that delves into the darkest depths of gangland Britain. Set two decades after the infamous Range Rover murders, the film follows the chilling tale of an unsolved crime that continues to haunt the criminal underworld.
When three of the country's most notorious killers are shot dead in a desolate field, a criminal empire crumbles, and the legend of the Range Rover murders is born. However, with the killer still on the loose, a new generation of criminals emerges, threatening to reignite the violent past.
Driven by a thirst for justice, a group of unknown vigilantes embark on a relentless and bloody revenge spree. Their actions send shockwaves through the local crime families and the police force, leaving both sides shaken to their core.
Essex Boys Retribution is a heart-pounding thriller that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats as the mystery unfolds. With new faces at the forefront of the criminal world, the tension builds, and the stakes are higher than ever before.
This film is a testament to the power of vengeance and the indomitable spirit of those who refuse to forget. The names of these unknown heroes may never be known, but their actions will go down in history. Get ready for a thrilling ride that will leave you questioning who can be trusted in the world of gangs and corruption.