Catching Feelings is a dark romantic comedy set in Johannesburg. The story revolves around a young and sophisticated academic named Max, and his stunning wife Sam. Their life takes a whirlwind turn when a charismatic and enigmatic writer named Heiner moves into their home. This unusual arrangement disrupts their daily routine and challenges their relationship dynamic.
The movie explores themes of love, desire, and self-discovery as Max finds himself drawn to Heiner's eccentric and carefree lifestyle. Meanwhile, Sam is caught in the middle, torn between her loyalty to Max and her own desires. As tensions rise and secrets are revealed, the characters are forced to confront their own insecurities and reevaluate their choices.
Catching Feelings offers a fresh and insightful take on relationships, showcasing the complexities and contradictions that exist within them. With its vibrant Johannesburg setting, the film offers a unique backdrop for the characters' emotional journey. The stellar cast, led by the talented Kagiso Lediga (who also directs the film), brings these complex characters to life, delivering powerful performances that will keep audiences engaged throughout.
This dark romantic comedy is a must-watch for those seeking a thought-provoking and entertaining exploration of love, relationships, and the human condition. Catching Feelings is a captivating and engaging film that will leave viewers reflecting on their own emotions and choices.