Shirkers is a captivating and unique documentary that takes viewers on a journey through time and across continents as Sandi Tan, a novelist in Los Angeles, unravels the mystery of her lost film. In 1992, Sandi and her friends Sophie and Jasmine embarked on the ambitious task of creating Singapore's first indie road movie called Shirkers. With the guidance of their enigmatic American mentor, Georges Cardona, they immersed themselves in the creative process, with Sandi writing the script and portraying the lead character, S.
However, their dreams came crashing down when Georges disappeared, taking all the footage with him. For years, the 16mm cans containing their masterpiece remained missing. That is until they resurfaced in New Orleans two decades later. This discovery sets Sandi on a personal odyssey to uncover the truth behind Georges' actions and recover her lost film.
Through a combination of 16mm footage, digital recordings, Hi8, Super8, slides, animation, and handwritten letters, Shirkers creates a kaleidoscopic and punk rock ghost story. Sandi's quest takes her from Los Angeles to Singapore, highlighting the power of friendship, artistic ambition, and the potential for betrayal.
This thought-provoking documentary is a testament to the resilience and determination of artists, showcasing the impact that a lost film can have on an individual's life. Shirkers is a gripping exploration of creativity, artistic collaboration, and the pursuit of closure, making it a must-watch for film enthusiasts and fans of intriguing mysteries alike.