Undercover (2019) is a thrilling crime drama that follows the Belgian Federal Police as they uncover one of the world's largest XTC networks. Led by the elusive Dutchman Ferry Bouman, this network has remained under the radar for years. Despite his considerable wealth, Ferry spends his time in a simple chalet on a popular campsite near his villa.
In order to catch Ferry, the Belgian and Dutch police forces decide to unite and employ their top undercover agents, Belgian Bob Lemmens and Dutch Kim De Rooij. Posing as a camping couple, Bob and Kim move into a chalet close to Ferry and his wife Danielle Bouman. Their mission is clear: infiltrate Ferry's life, gain his trust, and establish Bob as a criminal partner.
As Bob and Kim immerse themselves in the campsite community, they encounter various obstacles and challenges that put their mission at risk. They must navigate a dangerous world of criminals, each with their own motives and loyalties. Bob and Kim's loyalty is tested as they struggle to maintain their cover and gather essential evidence against Ferry.
Undercover (2019) is a gripping series that explores the complexities of undercover work and the consequences that come with infiltrating criminal networks. With its intense plot twists and compelling characters, this Belgian-Dutch collaboration is sure to keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
Also Known As:
UndercoverRelease Date:
03 May 2019Writers:
Piet Matthys, Bart Uytdenhouwen, Nico MoolenaarAwards:
5 nominations