Léa & I is a thought-provoking and heartwarming documentary that follows two best friends on an extraordinary journey through Latin America. As they embark on this adventure, they meet shamans, engage in the exploration of plant medicines, and question the true meaning of a fulfilled life.
The film revolves around the idea that one of these friends may have only half the time to live their life. This revelation adds a sense of urgency to their quest, igniting a deeper exploration of self-discovery and the pursuit of happiness. Throughout their travels, they encounter various indigenous cultures and their ancient healing practices, which lead them to reflect on their own upbringing and values.
The documentary highlights the bond between the two friends, showcasing their unwavering support and camaraderie as they navigate the challenges of life and mortality together. It delves into profound conversations about mortality, purpose, and the significance of enjoying the present moment.
Léa & I is a visually stunning documentary that beautifully captures the landscapes and cultures of Latin America, creating an immersive experience for viewers. With its powerful message and intimate storytelling, it invites audiences to contemplate their own lives and what it truly means to live well.
Don't miss this captivating documentary as it takes you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and friendship, leaving you pondering the essence of a life well-lived.