In the French film Mon frère (2019), Teddy, a young man with no previous criminal record, finds himself accused of murdering his abusive father. Fearing for the safety of his younger brother, Teddy had allegedly tried to protect him from their violent father. As a result, Teddy is sent to a closed educational center while awaiting trial for parricide.
Inside the center, Teddy is thrust into a harsh and unknown world, where he must navigate unfamiliar rules and harsh realities. Surrounded by other troubled individuals, Teddy is faced with the challenges of survival and fitting into this violent environment.
Mon frère explores themes of family, loyalty, and sacrifice as Teddy grapples with the impact of his actions on himself and his brother. Through his journey, Teddy is forced to confront his own demons and make difficult choices in order to protect and ensure a better future for his brother.
This gripping drama highlights the dark realities of abuse and the lengths one would go to in order to protect a loved one. With its intense performances and thought-provoking narrative, Mon frère is a compelling exploration of the human spirit and the power of familial bonds.