In the dramatic film The Falling set in 1969 at a rigid English girls' school, two best friends, Abbie and Lydia, navigate their way through a troubled adolescence. Abbie is a charming and popular girl, while Lydia is known for her intense and troubled nature. However, their friendship is tested after a tragic incident unfolds at the school.
Following this tragedy, a mysterious epidemic of fainting spells sweeps through the school, jeopardizing the stability of everyone involved. As the epidemic intensifies, the girls' lives and relationships become increasingly complicated.
The Falling takes audiences on a journey as it explores themes of friendship, mental health, and the power dynamics within a strict educational institution. Directed by Carol Morley, the film delves into the lives of these young women, giving viewers a glimpse into their struggles and desires.
With a compelling storyline and powerful performances, The Falling is a gripping and thought-provoking film that captivates audiences from start to finish.