Target Number One is a gripping crime drama based on true events and set in 1989. The story follows a Canadian journalist who becomes deeply invested in uncovering the truth behind the arrest of a heroin addict imprisoned in a Thai jail. The movie delves into the journalist's investigation into the circumstances surrounding this suspicious arrest and the dark web of corruption and conspiracy that unfolds.
As the journalist digs deeper, he uncovers shocking revelations about the collusion between the Thai police, the Canadian government, and a powerful drug lord. Along the way, he encounters dangerous obstacles and faces immense personal risks to expose the truth and seek justice for the wrongly accused addict.
Directed by Daniel Roby, Target Number One skillfully combines elements of crime thriller and investigative journalism to create an intense and suspenseful narrative. The film boasts a talented cast, including Antoine Olivier Pilon, Josh Hartnett, Jim Gaffigan, and Stephen McHattie, who deliver compelling performances that keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
With its engaging story, strong performances, and gritty portrayal of real-life events, Target Number One is a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and true crime stories. This thought-provoking film shines a light on corruption and reveals the extraordinary lengths some individuals go to for justice.
Also Known As:
Most WantedRelease Date:
10 Jul 2020Writers:
Daniel RobyAwards:
1 nomination.