Range Runners (2020) is a gripping thriller that follows a woman on a thru-hiking adventure who finds herself in a dangerous situation when her pack is stolen by two desperate men hiding out in the woods. Stranded and left to fend for herself, she is faced with a life-altering choice: surrender and return to her normal life or gather her strength and fight back.
The movie takes viewers on a thrilling journey as the woman embarks on a mission to reclaim what was stolen from her. Throughout her pursuit, she encounters various obstacles and tests of resilience, showcasing her determination and tenacity. The tension rises as she navigates the treacherous wilderness, constantly aware that danger lurks around every corner.
With a strong emphasis on female empowerment and survival instincts, Range Runners delivers a thought-provoking narrative that explores themes of resilience, courage, and the inherent strength within. The film expertly blends action and suspense, creating an edge-of-your-seat experience that will keep viewers engaged throughout.
Directed by Philip S. Plowden and featuring powerful performances from the cast, Range Runners is a must-watch for fans of thrilling and empowering cinema.