I Care a Lot (2021) is a gripping thriller that introduces us to Marla Grayson, a deceitful legal guardian who profits by exploiting vulnerable elderly individuals under her care. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she targets Jennifer Peterson, a seemingly ordinary elderly woman with no living family. However, it soon becomes apparent that Jennifer is not what she appears to be.
Directed by J Blakeson, this suspenseful film explores the dark world of legal guardianship abuse. As Marla plunders the savings of her elderly wards, she arrogantly assumes she can manipulate anyone. But when Jennifer's real identity is unveiled, the predator becomes the prey.
The movie delves into the cat-and-mouse game between Marla and Jennifer, as Jennifer fights back against her captor and seeks revenge. Full of unexpected twists and turns, gripping performances by Rosamund Pike and Peter Dinklage keep viewers on the edge of their seats.
I Care a Lot offers a thought-provoking commentary on the exploitation of vulnerable individuals and the flaws in the legal system. With its captivating storyline and thrilling atmosphere, this film is sure to captivate audiences who enjoy intense suspense and morally complex characters.