Black Hands (2020–) is a gripping and controversial crime drama based on a true story that shook New Zealand. The series centers around the tragic events of June 20th, 1994, when the Bain family of Dunedin was found brutally murdered in their home. The victims include Robin, Margaret, Arawa, Laniet, and their youngest son, Stephen, leaving David Bain as the sole survivor.
This compelling series delves into the lives of each family member in the months leading up to their deaths, shedding light on the complex dynamics within the Bain household. Through a series of flashbacks and character-driven narratives, viewers are given a deeper understanding of the individuals involved and the events that transpired.
The Bain family murder case remains one of New Zealand's most controversial and widely debated mysteries. The series carefully navigates this sensitive subject matter, presenting various theories and perspectives without disclosing any spoilers. It encourages viewers to form their own opinions and unravel the truth behind this tragic crime.
Black Hands (2020–) is a thought-provoking and haunting portrayal of a chilling crime that gripped the nation. With its compelling storytelling and superb performances, this series will keep viewers on the edge of their seats, urging them to uncover the truth behind the Bain family's untimely demise.