The Crime of the Century is a powerful documentary that exposes the dark underbelly of the pharmaceutical industry's role in fueling the opioid epidemic that has devastated countless lives across America. Through a combination of interviews, undercover footage, and personal stories, the film delves into the shocking tactics employed by Big Pharma to bring highly addictive opioids to market, placing profit above the well-being of the public.
The documentary reveals how pharmaceutical companies, with the help of politicians and regulators, exploited loopholes in the system to flood communities with these dangerous drugs. It exposes the deceptive marketing strategies and aggressive sales tactics used to push opioids onto doctors and patients, creating a cycle of addiction and despair.
Director Alex Gibney meticulously uncovers the web of corruption and collusion that allowed this crisis to reach unprecedented proportions, resulting in countless deaths and shattered families. The film also confronts the inaction and indifference of government officials who turned a blind eye to the mounting evidence of wrongdoing, highlighting the need for regulatory reform and accountability.
The Crime of the Century is a powerful call to action, aiming to raise awareness and ignite change. It serves as a wake-up call to the devastating impact of the opioid crisis, revealing the powerful forces at play behind it. This eye-opening documentary is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the true extent of this tragedy and the urgent need for justice.
The documentary reveals how pharmaceutical companies, with the help of politicians and regulators, exploited loopholes in the system to flood communities with these dangerous drugs. It exposes the deceptive marketing strategies and aggressive sales tactics used to push opioids onto doctors and patients, creating a cycle of addiction and despair.
Director Alex Gibney meticulously uncovers the web of corruption and collusion that allowed this crisis to reach unprecedented proportions, resulting in countless deaths and shattered families. The film also confronts the inaction and indifference of government officials who turned a blind eye to the mounting evidence of wrongdoing, highlighting the need for regulatory reform and accountability.
The Crime of the Century is a powerful call to action, aiming to raise awareness and ignite change. It serves as a wake-up call to the devastating impact of the opioid crisis, revealing the powerful forces at play behind it. This eye-opening documentary is a must-watch for anyone seeking to understand the true extent of this tragedy and the urgent need for justice.