Eye Without a Face (2021) is a captivating thriller that follows the story of Henry, a young man who suffers from agoraphobia and lives with his roommate Eric, an aspiring actor and popular YouTuber. Henry's life takes a dark turn when he discovers that he has the ability to hack into the webcams of young women. As he witnesses intimate and private moments through the feeds, Henry becomes convinced that one of these women is a serial killer.
The movie explores Henry's deepening obsession as he navigates the blurred lines between reality and fiction, struggling to uncover the true identity of the potential killer. As he delves deeper into the lives of these women, Henry's paranoia intensifies, leaving him questioning his own sanity.
Eye Without a Face (2021) is a gripping psychological thriller that keeps the audience on the edge of their seats, constantly guessing and questioning the motives of the characters. The film skillfully explores themes of voyeurism, obsession, and the fragility of our online identities.
Directed by an emerging filmmaker, Eye Without a Face (2021) boasts stunning visuals and a haunting score, creating an eerie atmosphere that perfectly complements the suspenseful storyline. With its nail-biting plot twists and a standout performance by the lead actor, this film is a must-watch for fans of the psychological thriller genre.
Also Known As:
Eye Without a FaceRelease Date:
23 Apr 2021Writers:
Ramin Niami