Steve McQueen: The Lost Movie is a captivating car racing film that was initially a passion project of the iconic Hollywood star Steve McQueen. Unfortunately, the production of this movie was left unfinished in the mid-1960s. This documentary, directed by Gabriel Clarke and John McKenna, delves into the intriguing story behind McQueen's lost film.
The documentary offers a fascinating glimpse into Steve McQueen's profound love for car racing. It showcases his dedication to creating a film that would authentically capture the adrenaline-filled world of motorsports. Through interviews with McQueen's peers, friends, and family members, we gain insight into his creative process and the challenges he faced during production.
Featuring rare archival footage and behind-the-scenes glimpses, Steve McQueen: The Lost Movie provides viewers with a unique opportunity to witness the unfolding of a movie that had the potential to become a legendary classic. The documentary also explores the reasons behind the movie's incomplete state, shedding light on the intricacies of the film industry and McQueen's personal struggles.
With its captivating storytelling and homage to the golden age of cinema, Steve McQueen: The Lost Movie is a must-watch for both film enthusiasts and car racing fans alike. Don't miss the chance to discover the untold story behind Steve McQueen's unfinished project and his undying passion for the world of racing.
Also Known As:
Steve McQueen: The Lost MovieRelease Date:
01 Jan 2021Writers:
Alex Rodger