The Last Dragon (1985) is an action-packed martial arts film set in New York City. The story revolves around a young man named Leroy Green who embarks on a quest to find a Master and attain the ultimate level of martial arts expertise called the Glow. As he searches for his mentor, Leroy encounters various challenges, including a gang called the The Slugs and an unscrupulous music video producer named Eddie Arkadian.
The movie is filled with thrilling fight sequences and showcases the strong bond between Leroy and his friend Johnny, a charismatic music video host. The plot takes an unexpected turn when Leroy falls for Laura, an aspiring singer caught in Eddie Arkadian's control. This develops a love triangle that adds depth to the narrative.
With its energetic soundtrack and colorful 1980s aesthetic, The Last Dragon offers a nostalgia-inducing experience. The film tackles themes such as self-discovery, honor, and the pursuit of inner strength. Through Leroy's journey, the film explores the importance of finding one's true identity and purpose.
The Last Dragon is a well-rounded film, blending elements of action, romance, and comedy. It captivates audiences with its impressive martial arts choreography and memorable performances by actors such as Taimak and Vanity. This cult classic is a must-watch for fans of martial arts films and those seeking an entertaining and uplifting cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
The Last DragonRelease Date:
22 Mar 1985Writers:
Louis VenostaAwards:
3 nominations