I Am Groot (2022–) is a collection of captivating short films that revolve around the lovable character Groot, known for his appearances in the Guardians of the Galaxy franchise. This delightful series introduces us to a cast of new and extraordinary characters as we follow Groot's adventures.
Each short film is filled with heartwarming moments and delightful anecdotes that will surely keep fans of all ages entertained. Audiences get a glimpse into Groot's world as he interacts with an array of unusual characters, creating comical and heartwarming situations along the way.
I Am Groot serves as a treasure trove of fun and excitement, showcasing the charm and innocence of Groot as he explores new environments and meets new friends. While the series maintains the beloved essence of the character, it also offers fresh perspectives and storylines that make it a captivating watch.
With its visually stunning animation and engaging storytelling, I Am Groot brings Groot's adventures to life in a way that will leave fans craving for more. This highly anticipated series is a must-watch for fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and anyone who appreciates heartfelt storytelling with a hint of comedy.
Don't miss out on the opportunity to join Groot and his newfound companions on their extraordinary journey filled with laughter, friendship, and the joy of discovering the world around them in I Am Groot.
Also Known As:
I Am GrootRelease Date:
10 Aug 2022