Kings of Mulberry Street: Let Love Reign is a heartwarming and hilarious family film set in a vibrant South African town. The story revolves around two mischievous young boys, Ticky and Baboo, who find themselves in a challenging situation. They must come up with a clever plan to save their beloved Granny Chetty from the notorious Commander Veerasamy.
Their unconventional solution involves pretending to be Bollywood celebrities, using their charm and wit to deceive Veerasamy. Throughout their journey, Ticky and Baboo navigate through various escapades, cultural clashes, and unexpected friendships.
As they delve deeper into their mission, the boys discover the power of love, unity, and the value of family. This coming-of-age story is filled with laughter, adventure, and valuable life lessons.
Kings of Mulberry Street: Let Love Reign is a delightful film that celebrates the magic of childhood and the transformative power of imagination. With its colorful setting, endearing characters, and a captivating storyline, the film provides an entertaining experience for viewers of all ages.
Join Ticky and Baboo on their extraordinary journey as they prove that sometimes the most unlikely heroes can change the world and that love conquers all.
Also Known As:
Kings of Mulberry Street: Let Love ReignRelease Date:
07 Apr 2023Writers:
Judy Naidoo