Crime Busters is a classic 1977 comedy film that takes viewers on a hilarious and action-packed adventure. The story revolves around two unemployed friends, Matt and Wilbur, who find themselves in an unusual situation. When they attempt to rob a store, they mistakenly break into a police office instead. What follows is an unexpected turn of events as the bumbling duo are convinced by the police commissioner to join the force and solve a major crime.
The movie offers a perfect blend of comedic elements and thrilling action sequences. Matt and Wilbur find themselves in absurd and amusing situations as they fumble their way through their new roles as crime fighters. Their unconventional methods and constant mishaps keep the audience entertained throughout.
Crime Busters boasts an impressive cast, including popular comedy actors Terence Hill and Bud Spencer, who bring their charisma and comedic timing to the film. Their chemistry on-screen is palpable and adds to the overall enjoyment of the movie.
With its lighthearted and entertaining story, Crime Busters offers a delightful viewing experience for fans of comedy and action alike. This film is a must-watch for anyone in need of a good laugh.
Also Known As:
Crime BustersRelease Date:
01 Jun 1979Writers:
Enzo BarboniAwards:
1 win