My Name Is Nobody (1973) is a thrilling spaghetti western that follows a young and carefree gunman who idolizes a legendary gunfighter. The young man, known as Nobody, insists that he must confront and defeat a gang of 150 dangerous outlaws before he can retire from his violent profession. Throughout the film, Nobody immerses himself in a series of exhilarating adventures and encounters, displaying impressive marksmanship and wit.
The movie showcases a captivating dynamic between Nobody and the aging gunfighter, as they engage in friendly competition and banter. Despite Nobody's admiration, the gunfighter yearns for a quiet and peaceful existence, teaching Nobody the value of an honorable retirement.
Directed by Tonino Valerii and featuring superb performances by Terence Hill and Henry Fonda, My Name Is Nobody is a must-watch for fans of classic westerns. The film's action-filled sequences, stunning landscapes, and thoughtful exploration of themes such as the price of violence and the passage of time make it an enthralling experience.
With its mix of humor, action, and emotional depth, My Name Is Nobody appeals to a wide audience. Whether you're a fan of spaghetti westerns or simply enjoy a well-crafted adventure, this film is sure to captivate you from start to finish.
Also Known As:
My Name Is NobodyRelease Date:
17 Jul 1974Writers:
Sergio Leone, Fulvio Morsella, Ernesto GastaldiAwards:
1 win