In the film Magic (1978), a talented but troubled ventriloquist named Corky struggles to balance his professional and personal life. As he attempts to revive his career, he reconnects with his high school crush, Peggy, hoping to reignite their romance. However, Corky's plans are derailed by Fats, his malevolent dummy with a mind of its own.
As Corky battles his inner demons and the sinister hold Fats has over him, the lines between reality and delusion blur. The psychological thriller delves into the dark depths of Corky's mind, exploring themes of obsession, control, and madness.
Magic is a gripping tale of suspense and horror, as Corky grapples with the terrifying power his puppet wields over him. With a stellar performance from Anthony Hopkins as Corky and chilling scenes that will leave viewers on edge, the film is a haunting portrayal of a man under the control of his own creation.
Don't miss out on this classic thriller that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very end.
Also Known As:
MagicRelease Date:
08 Nov 1978Writers:
William GoldmanAwards:
Nominated for 1 BAFTA Award2 wins & 5 nominations total