In the sci-fi thriller Light (2024), a mother finds herself in a fight for survival after crash-landing on a mysterious and shadowy planet. As she searches for her missing son, she must navigate the darkness using only the light sources at her disposal. However, her reliance on light inadvertently attracts a menacing alien creature that is determined to hunt her down.
As the tension escalates, the mother must outwit the relentless creature while uncovering the secrets of the planet and piecing together the events that led her to this perilous situation. Each flicker of light becomes a beacon of hope in the enveloping darkness, but also a glaring target for the creature stalking her every move.
Light (2024) is a pulse-pounding thriller that explores the lengths a mother will go to in order to protect her child, set against a backdrop of eerie landscapes and spine-tingling suspense. Can she outsmart her otherworldly adversary and reunite with her son before it's too late? Find out in this gripping tale of survival and sacrifice.
Also Known As:
LightRelease Date:
01 Apr 2024Writers:
Matt Woollard