Embark on an adventurous journey with the children of Saltkråkan Island in the heartwarming Swedish film Skrållan, Ruskprick och Knorrhane (1967). When the kids set out on a public ferry to visit a relative, they are met with an unexpected turn of events as they discover that their relative is in the hospital. Stranded without oars on a remote island, the youngsters must rely on their smarts and teamwork to find a way back home.
Among them is 4-year-old Skrållan, a courageous and lovable character who leads the group in their escapades. As they navigate the challenges of the island, they form close bonds and learn important lessons about friendship, resilience, and the power of unity.
Join Skrållan, Ruskprick, and Knorrhane in this engaging family film that captures the innocence and curiosity of childhood. Filled with humor, heart, and picturesque scenery, this timeless classic is sure to delight viewers of all ages. Experience the magic of adventure and camaraderie in Skrållan, Ruskprick och Knorrhane on your favorite streaming platform today.
Also Known As:
Skrållan, Ruskprick och KnorrhaneRelease Date:
02 Dec 1967Writers:
Astrid Lindgren