In Local Hero (1983), an American oil company dispatches a representative to a picturesque Scottish village with plans to purchase the land for a new refinery. However, the simplicity and beauty of the village, as well as its quirky and lovable inhabitants, begin to weave their magic on the unsuspecting negotiator. As he becomes entangled in the daily life and unique charm of the village, he starts to question his initial objectives and priorities.
Amidst the stunning Scottish landscapes and endearing characters, the representative finds himself torn between his corporate obligations and a newfound appreciation for community, connection, and nature. The film beautifully captures the clash between industrial progress and the preservation of tradition and natural beauty, as well as the universal human desire for meaning and fulfillment beyond material gain.
Local Hero is a heartwarming and thought-provoking tale that gently explores themes of culture, environment, and the power of human connection. With rich storytelling and captivating performances, this film invites viewers to reflect on the value of simplicity, community, and the importance of staying true to oneself in a world driven by competition and greed.
Also Known As:
Local HeroRelease Date:
29 Apr 1983Writers:
Bill ForsythAwards:
Won 1 BAFTA Award4 wins & 6 nominations total