The Boy Soldier (1981) is a poignant coming of age drama based on Yves Gibeau's novel. The film follows a young anti-militarist who is pushed into military school against his will by his father. Despite facing relentless bullying from his superiors, the protagonist stays true to his pacifist beliefs, refusing to give in to violence. Through his resilience and inner strength, he navigates the challenges of military school, all the while staying true to his values.
As the story unfolds, viewers are taken on a journey of self-discovery and growth as the young protagonist learns valuable lessons about courage, integrity, and the power of standing up for what you believe in. With compelling performances and a thought-provoking narrative, The Boy Soldier offers a captivating exploration of morality and the human spirit.
Experience this timeless tale of defiance and determination in The Boy Soldier (1981), a film that speaks to the power of staying true to oneself even in the face of adversity.
Also Known As:
The Boy SoldierRelease Date:
04 Mar 1981Writers:
Yves Boisset, Yves Gibeau, Jacques Kirsner