In the blockbuster film X-Men from 2000, set in a world where mutants, humans with extraordinary abilities, are feared and discriminated against, two rival groups prepare for a fierce battle. The first group is the Brotherhood, led by the charismatic and power-hungry Magneto, who believes mutants should dominate humanity. The Brotherhood includes various mutants with unique powers, including the shape-shifting Mystique.
On the other side, we have the pacifist X-Men, led by the wise and enigmatic Professor Charles Xavier. The X-Men believe that mutants and humans can peacefully coexist. This diverse group of mutants uses their powers for good, protecting society from dangerous threats. Among the X-Men are the telepathic and powerful Jean Grey, the skilled and agile Wolverine, and the weather-controlling Storm.
As the tension between the Brotherhood and the X-Men escalates, it becomes clear that their clash is inevitable. With humanity's fate hanging in the balance, the X-Men must use their powers and harness their strengths to prevent Magneto's dangerous plans from coming to fruition. In a world where discrimination and fear rule, the X-Men strive for acceptance, understanding, and the hope of unity.
Don't miss this thrilling and action-packed movie that explores themes of prejudice, power, and the struggle for coexistence. Experience the extraordinary abilities of the X-Men as they battle to protect both mutantkind and humanity in this epic showdown.
Also Known As:
X-MenRelease Date:
14 Jul 2000Writers:
Tom DeSanto, Bryan Singer, David HayterAwards:
14 wins & 26 nominations