The Country Bears (2002) is a lively and heartwarming family film that takes inspiration from the popular attraction at Disneyland, the Country Bear Jamboree. Set in a world where humans and talking bears coexist, the movie follows Beary, a young bear who was raised by a human family. Yearning to discover his true identity, Beary embarks on a quest to trace his roots and find where he truly belongs.
During his journey, Beary stumbles upon the Country Bears, a legendary band that has long been disbanded. This group of talented musicians, who are a hilarious parody of famous rock & roll bands like the Eagles, quickly becomes both Beary's inspiration and companions. With their help, Beary endeavors to reunite the Country Bears for a final concert that will not only revive their glory days but also bring his own search for identity to a satisfying conclusion.
The Country Bears cleverly satirizes the Behind the Music documentaries, creating a humorous and enjoyable experience for viewers of all ages. Directed by Peter Hastings, this live-action Disney film offers a delightful blend of music, comedy, and heartfelt moments that will leave audiences tapping their feet and cheering for the characters. Join Beary and the Country Bears on this heartening adventure as they rediscover the true meaning of friendship, family, and following your dreams.