Walking Tall (2004) tells the story of Sergeant Chris Vaughn, who returns to his hometown after serving in the U.S. Army Special Forces. He hopes to find a job at the local mill but discovers it has been closed for three years. Instead, the Wild Cherry Casino, owned by his former friend Jay Hamilton, has become the main source of jobs and income for the town.
Chris reconnects with his best friend Ray and, after a football game, they accept Jay's invitation to spend the night at the casino. During his time there, Chris discovers that the casino's dice dealer is cheating, leading to a confrontation with the security men. When Chris realizes that the town is controlled by mobsters and a corrupt sheriff, he takes matters into his own hands.
After his nephew overdoses on drugs sold by the casino's security men, Chris decides to stand against the organized crime and corruption. Using a large piece of wood, he destroys the casino and fights against the criminals. Chris faces prosecution but promises the jury and the community that if he is acquitted, he will run for sheriff and clean up the town.
As Sheriff Chris Vaughn, he must now battle the organized crime to fulfill his promise and bring justice to his community. The film showcases his journey from a soldier seeking a job to a local hero fighting for the wellbeing of his town.
Also Known As:
Walking TallRelease Date:
02 Apr 2004Writers:
Mort Briskin, David Klass, Channing GibsonAwards:
2 nominations