Chasing Liberty (2004) is a romantic comedy that revolves around an 18-year-old girl named Anna, the daughter of the US president. Being constantly guarded, Anna longs for a normal teenage life, dreaming of going on dates and experiencing freedom. However, her protective father has made it challenging for her to have any semblance of a normal existence.
While attending a concert in Prague, Anna becomes frustrated when her father's promise of just two agents accompanying her is broken. Seizing the opportunity, she decides to run away, enlisting the help of a mysterious stranger named Ben. Together, they embark on an adventurous journey across Europe, attempting to evade the agents in pursuit while experiencing the thrill of newfound independence.
As Anna and Ben traverse through picturesque cities such as Berlin and Venice, they start to develop feelings for each other. However, their delicate romance is tested by the constant threat of being captured and the secret that Ben is actually an undercover Secret Service agent assigned to protect Anna.
Chasing Liberty is a heartwarming and lighthearted film that explores themes of freedom, love, and self-discovery. Through Anna's rebellious journey, audiences witness her transformation from a sheltered young woman to an independent individual, willing to fight for her own happiness and carve her own path in life. With its entertaining blend of humor, romance, and adventure, Chasing Liberty is an ideal choice for those seeking an uplifting and feel-good movie experience.
Also Known As:
Chasing LibertyRelease Date:
09 Jan 2004Writers:
Derek Guiley, David SchneidermanAwards:
5 nominations