End of Watch is an intense and gripping action film set in the heart of South Central Los Angeles. The movie follows the thrilling adventures of two police officers, Brian and Mike, who patrol the dangerous streets torn apart by gang warfare between Latinos and African Americans. Their daring and courageous efforts result in several successful drug and human trafficking busts, putting them on the radar of a ruthless Mexican cartel.
As the pressure mounts, Brian and Mike's lives become increasingly dangerous as the cartel orders their deaths. Alongside their perilous professional lives, viewers also witness the personal side of their world. Mike is married to his high school sweetheart, now pregnant with their first child, while Brian desperately searches for love and a soul mate.
The film highlights the complex dynamics within the Los Angeles Police Department, portraying internal conflicts and tensions amongst its members. Interlaced with intense action sequences are thought-provoking conversations that take place within their squad cars.
The ultimate question lies in whether Brian and Mike can outsmart the cartel and escape its murderous clutches. End of Watch is a heart-pounding journey that combines explosive action, heartfelt relationships, and an exploration of the dark underbelly of the city.
Also Known As:
End of WatchRelease Date:
21 Sep 2012Writers:
David AyerAwards:
3 wins & 10 nominations.