In the action-packed thriller MI-5 (2015), viewers are taken on a high-stakes journey as Will Holloway, a young MI5 agent, is forced to join forces with the disgraced former intelligence chief, Harry Pearce. The duo embarks on a race against time to locate a dangerous terrorist who has escaped custody during a routine handover. Their mission becomes even more crucial as they uncover a plot for a devastating terrorist attack in London.
As tensions rise, Holloway and Pearce find themselves navigating a treacherous world of spies, double-dealings, and betrayal. Every decision they make could have dire consequences for not only themselves but also for the safety and security of the entire nation. With London's imminent peril, the two agents must put aside personal differences and work together to prevent the devastating attack.
MI-5 is an adrenaline-fueled rollercoaster ride that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish. It offers a thrilling combination of espionage, intense action sequences, and nail-biting suspense. As the plot unfolds, viewers will be captivated by the unexpected twists and turns, never knowing who to trust or what lies ahead.
Featuring a talented cast, including Kit Harington as Will Holloway and Peter Firth as Harry Pearce, MI-5 delivers a thrilling and gripping cinematic experience that leaves audiences wanting more. With its pulse-pounding action, gripping storyline, and top-notch performances, this film is a definite must-watch for fans of the spy thriller genre.
Also Known As:
MI-5Release Date:
08 May 2015Writers:
Jonathan Brackley, Sam Vincent, David WolstencroftAwards:
2 nominations