Chirakodinja Kinavukal (2015) is a comedic Malayalam film directed by Santhosh Viswanath. The story revolves around Ambujakshan, who, after 18 long years, decides to narrate his love story to a director and producer in the hopes of turning it into a modern-day film.
Ambujakshan is determined to present his love story, involving Thayyalkaran and Sumathi, in a fresh and contemporary manner to suit the tastes of the New Generation audience. He diligently amends and modifies the storyline, injecting humor, romance, and drama to make it more appealing and relevant to the present time.
The film delves into the hilarious situations that arise as Ambujakshan tries to modernize his tale, grappling with elements like smartphones, social media, and other aspects of the modern-day world. Along the way, he encounters amusing characters who contribute to the chaotic nature of the story.
Chirakodinja Kinavukal combines elements of romance, comedy, and drama to provide an entertaining and light-hearted cinematic experience. The film showcases the struggles and challenges faced by Ambujakshan in trying to adapt his old-fashioned love story to suit the preferences of contemporary audiences.
With its witty dialogue, engaging performances, and comic timing, Chirakodinja Kinavukal is a must-watch for those seeking a good laugh and a fresh take on love stories.