Sir C. P. is a 2015 Indian Malayalam comedy-drama film directed by Shajoon Kariyal. The film revolves around the character of Chethimattathu Philip, fondly known as Sir CP, portrayed by Jayaram. Sir CP is the owner of a parallel college that prides itself on offering its students degrees from prestigious universities worldwide. However, his unorthodox methods attract trouble, forming the crux of the narrative.
The film explores Sir CP's world, his relationships with his students, and the consequences of his unconventional approach to education. As the story unfolds, Sir CP finds himself in increasingly challenging situations, with various conflicts pushing the limits of his ingenuity and wit.
Filled with humor, drama, and a touch of suspense, Sir C. P. delves into the theme of education and its commercialization. It sheds light on the lengths some individuals may go in their pursuit of success and the ethical dilemmas they face along the way.
Through its engaging storyline and Jayaram's commendable performance, the film presents a thought-provoking commentary on the education system and the moral quandaries that come with it. As viewers follow Sir CP's journey, they are left pondering the delicate balance between ambition, integrity, and the value of education in contemporary society.