Join Sid, Manny, Diego, and their hilarious crew on yet another thrilling adventure in Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade (2016). In this animated comedy, Sid unexpectedly finds himself taking on the role of an egg nanny, unaware that a familiar foe is lurking nearby with a mischievous plan of his own. This leads to a series of uproarious shenanigans that ultimately culminate in the very first egg hunt, sparking the beloved Easter traditions we know today.
Get ready for some egg-citing and egg-squisite fun as this lovable pack of prehistoric pals embark on a madcap journey filled with slapstick humor and heartwarming moments. As they navigate various obstacles and encounters, Sid, Manny, and Diego must use their unique skills and teamwork to overcome the challenges in their path.
This charming animated film, perfect for the whole family, not only offers a barrel of laughs but also reveals the origins of one of our favorite holiday traditions. With stunning animation, endearing characters, and a captivating storyline, Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade is a must-watch for fans of the franchise and lovers of animated adventure alike.
Don't miss out on the wacky antics and adorable escapades of Sid and his pals. Enjoy Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade and discover how the first Easter egg hunt came to be!
Get ready for some egg-citing and egg-squisite fun as this lovable pack of prehistoric pals embark on a madcap journey filled with slapstick humor and heartwarming moments. As they navigate various obstacles and encounters, Sid, Manny, and Diego must use their unique skills and teamwork to overcome the challenges in their path.
This charming animated film, perfect for the whole family, not only offers a barrel of laughs but also reveals the origins of one of our favorite holiday traditions. With stunning animation, endearing characters, and a captivating storyline, Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade is a must-watch for fans of the franchise and lovers of animated adventure alike.
Don't miss out on the wacky antics and adorable escapades of Sid and his pals. Enjoy Ice Age: The Great Egg-Scapade and discover how the first Easter egg hunt came to be!