A Christmas Star (2021) is a heartwarming family film that revolves around the story of an astronomer and a small town. When the astronomer predicts the arrival of a spectacular meteor shower over the town, she sets out on a mission to convince the skeptical locals to assist her in making this discovery. However, her quest comes at the expense of a cherished Christmas tradition that has been celebrated in the town for years.
This delightful movie explores the theme of change and the importance of balancing old traditions with embracing new possibilities. As the astronomer tries to win over the town, she faces challenges and resistance from the community. Along the way, she forms unlikely friendships, learns valuable life lessons, and discovers the true meaning of Christmas.
With its captivating storyline and endearing characters, A Christmas Star is sure to captivate audiences of all ages. This film celebrates the spirit of the holiday season and reminds us of the importance of embracing the unexpected. Filled with lovable characters, festive cheer, and a touch of magic, A Christmas Star is the perfect film to cozy up and enjoy with family and friends during the holiday season.
Also Known As:
A Christmas StarRelease Date:
12 Dec 2021Writers:
Lorie Hope, Roz Mihalko, Bob SáenzAwards:
1 win