A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale (2015) is a heartwarming holiday film that follows the story of Luce Lockhart, a spoiled college student who is forced to work as a dog walker during the Christmas season. Luce is initially excited about her job when she finds out that a wealthy developer plans to build a salon and spa in place of a local dog park. However, her perspective changes when she meets Dean, a charming yet irritating dogwalker who is actively trying to prevent the park's demolition.
As Luce spends more time with Dean and the other dog walkers, she begins to develop new friendships and a deeper understanding of what the dog park means to the community. She also starts to question her selfish ways and the impact her actions may have on others. With Christmas approaching, Luce realizes that she must make a choice between her own desires and saving the dog park.
A Dogwalker's Christmas Tale is a heartwarming story about love, friendship, and self-discovery. It explores themes of empathy, compassion, and the importance of community. This feel-good holiday film will leave you with a warm and fuzzy feeling, reminding us all of the true meaning of Christmas.