All I Wish (2017) is a heartfelt romantic comedy that follows the journey of an aspiring fashion designer named Senna. The storyline is presented in a unique way, with the narrative cutting into Senna's life on her birthday each year. Throughout the film, viewers witness her struggles to find both professional success and true love.
Senna's determination to establish herself in the fashion industry is challenged by a series of setbacks and disappointments. However, she never loses her passion and works tirelessly to achieve her dreams. Meanwhile, in her personal life, she yearns for a lasting romantic connection that seems elusive.
Over the years, we see Senna's life evolve and her relationships flourish and fade. Through these ups and downs, she learns valuable lessons about love, resilience, and the importance of staying true to oneself.
Boasting a strong ensemble cast, featuring talented actors like Sharon Stone and Tony Goldwyn, All I Wish blends romance, comedy, and drama to deliver a heartwarming and relatable story. With its portrayal of a flawed yet endearing protagonist, this film will touch the hearts of viewers and inspire them to chase their dreams while seeking love and happiness.
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Also Known As:
All I WishRelease Date:
30 Mar 2018Writers:
Susan WalterAwards:
1 win