In the critically acclaimed film A Monster Calls, a young boy named Conor is struggling to cope with his mother's terminal illness. Seeking solace and understanding, Conor forms an unlikely bond with a tree monster who appears outside his window one night. The tree monster promises to tell Conor three stories, but in return, Conor must share his deepest truth with the monster.
As Conor navigates his complicated feelings of anger, fear, and guilt, the tree monster guides him through a journey of self-discovery and acceptance. Through the imaginative stories and wisdom shared by the monster, Conor begins to confront his emotional turmoil and understand the complexity of life and its inevitable trials. As his mother's condition worsens, Conor must face the difficult reality of potentially losing her.
Filled with breathtaking visuals and powerful performances, A Monster Calls delves into themes of grief, loss, and the power of storytelling. The film explores the depths of Conor's emotions as he grapples with the impending loss of his mother and the profound impact it has on his life. With stunning animation sequences woven seamlessly into the live-action narrative, A Monster Calls is a visually stunning and emotionally resonant tale that will leave viewers with a profound understanding of the complexities of love, loss, and human resilience.
Also Known As:
A Monster CallsRelease Date:
06 Jan 2017Writers:
Patrick Ness, Siobhan DowdAwards:
39 wins & 56 nominations