In the acclaimed Taiwanese film A Sun (2019), director Chung Mong-hong delves into the lives of a family of four, revealing the fractures that develop due to unmet expectations, unexpected tragedy, and uncompromising pride. Set against the backdrop of a small town in Taiwan, this emotionally charged drama explores the complexities of family dynamics and the consequences of individual choices.
The central characters are A-wen, an overachieving medical student, and his younger brother A-ho, who struggles with delinquency and a rebellious nature. Their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jiang, have high hopes for their sons, but as circumstances unfold, their dreams are shattered. A devastating event forces the family to confront their deepest fears, leading to a spiral of guilt, resentment, and ultimately, self-discovery.
As the story unfolds, viewers are exposed to the intricate layers of each character, gradually unraveling their motivations and the reasons behind their actions. The film masterfully navigates themes of love, sacrifice, and redemption, exploring the choices individuals make in the face of adversity.
With its rich storytelling, powerful performances, and captivating cinematography, A Sun offers a compelling and thought-provoking narrative that will captivate audiences and leave them with a profound reflection on the intricate complexities of human relationships.
Also Known As:
A SunRelease Date:
01 Nov 2019Writers:
Yaosheng Chang (screenplay), Mong-Hong Chung (screenplay)