After.Life is a captivating 2009 psychological thriller directed by Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo. Set after a tragic car accident, the film follows a young woman named Anna, who finds herself trapped between the realms of life and death. In her vulnerable state, she encounters a mysterious funeral director named Eliot Deacon, who asserts that he possesses the extraordinary ability to guide the deceased into the afterlife.
As Anna becomes increasingly aware of her dire circumstances, she must grapple with the harrowing question of whether she is truly dead or alive. With Eliot serving as her enigmatic mentor, she embarks on an unsettling journey of self-discovery, where reality blurs and the line between the living and the dead begins to fade.
This eerie and thought-provoking film presents a haunting exploration of the human psyche, posing profound questions about mortality, existence, and the nature of death itself. Starring Christina Ricci as Anna, Liam Neeson as Eliot Deacon, and Justin Long as Anna's grieving boyfriend, After.Life offers a mesmerizing and suspenseful viewing experience.
Prepare to be spellbound by After.Life as it delves into the realms of the unknown, questioning what lies beyond life's final moments. In this chilling and atmospheric film, audiences will be captivated by the profound themes and mesmerizing performances that make it an unforgettable cinematic experience.
Also Known As:
After.LifeRelease Date:
16 Dec 2009Writers:
Agnieszka Wojtowicz-Vosloo, Paul Vosloo, Jakub KorolczukAwards:
1 nomination