American Pastoral is a thought-provoking drama film that encapsulates the tumultuous era of 1960s America. The movie revolves around an idealistic college star named Seymour Levov, lovingly referred to as Swede, and his gorgeous wife Dawn, a former beauty queen. Together, they appear to be living the American dream, basking in the glory of their picture-perfect life. Tragically, their world takes a devastating turn when their daughter Merry becomes involved in the intense social and political upheaval that characterized the '60s.
As the Vietnam War rages on and civil rights movements gain momentum, Merry joins a radical protest group, sparking a series of events that shatter the Levov family's idyllic existence. With the once harmonious family torn apart, Swede embarks on a desperate journey to find his daughter and bring her back.
American Pastoral skillfully explores themes of idealism, family, and the profound impact of societal change. It delves into the complexities of human relationships and the devastating consequences of naivety and misplaced trust. Elegantly directed, this film presents a compelling narrative that ultimately examines the fragility of the American dream and the dark undercurrents that can threaten to rip apart even the most seemingly perfect lives.
Also Known As:
American PastoralRelease Date:
21 Oct 2016Writers:
Philip Roth, John RomanoAwards:
1 win & 3 nominations