Ancient Skies (2019–) is a visually stunning documentary series that takes viewers on a captivating journey through the cosmos as seen by our ancestors. With mind-blowing CGI and breathtaking landscape footage, this show explores the way our understanding of the universe has evolved over time.
Through the use of important astronomical artifacts and compelling storytelling, Ancient Skies invites viewers to delve into the depths of history and discover how our ancestors viewed and interpreted the stars. From ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and the Greeks to the Renaissance and the birth of modern astronomy, this series showcases the progression of human understanding and the impact it has had on our perception of the cosmos.
But Ancient Skies isn't just a history lesson. It also delves into the cutting-edge science that continues to unravel the mysteries of the universe. With interviews from leading experts and stunning visuals of celestial wonders, viewers will gain a deeper appreciation for the wonders of the cosmos.
Whether you're a history buff, a science enthusiast, or simply someone fascinated by the beauty of the universe, Ancient Skies is a captivating series that will leave you in awe of our ancient ancestors and the ever-changing views of the cosmos.