Apartment 1303 is a chilling horror film that follows the story of a mother and daughter who move into a seemingly perfect apartment, only to discover that there is something terrifying lurking within its walls. This modern ghost story takes the audience on a suspenseful journey as the relationship between the mother and daughter transforms into a horrifying struggle for survival.
The film explores the concept of rentals that are too good to be true, as the protagonists soon realize that there is an eerie presence in their new home. Strange and unexplainable occurrences begin to take place, causing tension and fear to escalate. As the mother and daughter delve deeper into the mysteries of the apartment, their love/hate relationship becomes entwined with the horrors they witness, resulting in a bone-chilling tale of terror.
Apartment 1303 combines supernatural elements with psychological suspense, providing a gripping narrative that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats. The film invites audiences to question the true nature of the apartment and the forces at play within its walls. With its atmospheric setting, strong performances, and well-crafted scares, Apartment 1303 offers a thrilling viewing experience for horror enthusiasts.
Also Known As:
Apartment 1303 3DRelease Date:
25 Jul 2013Writers:
Kei Ôishi (based on the original story by), Michael Taverna